Renewed Safe, Clean Water & Natural Flood Protection: Independent Monitoring Committee
Valley Water
In 2021, I was appointed by the Board of Directors to Valley Water's Renewed Safe, Clean Water & Natural Flood Protection: Independent Monitoring Committee. The renewed Independent Monitoring Committee (IMC) will annually review the program’s progress and report its findings and make recommendations to the Board. I was voted Vice Chair in December 2022 and 2023.
Planning & Transportation Commissioner
City of Palo Alto
In December 2018, I was appointed to the Planning & Transportation Commission. I attended my first meeting on January 30, 2019, and my peers unanimously elected me Chair of the PTC in 2020. I was reappointed to a second term in 2023.
Expanded Community Advisory Panel
City of Palo Alto
In September 2019, I was appointed to the Expanded Community Advisory Panel (XCAP) as the Planning and Transportation Commission representative. The XCAP is tasked with neighborhood outreach and evaluating rail grade crossing alternatives in preparation for Caltrain’s electrification project.
We finally presented our report to City Council in March 2021.
North Ventura Coordinated Area Plan Working Group
City of Palo Alto
In May 2018, I was appointed to the North Ventura Coordinated Area Plan (NVCAP) Working Group as a community member who worked in the NVCAP boundaries. We had our first working group meeting in the fall of 2018. I attended two working group meetings before being appointed to the Planning & Transportation Commission (PTC). As there was already a PTC representative on the working group, I resigned from the NVCAP in January.